'Prop 50' (2016)
2016 Internship with IMAGINARY FORCES, motion-graphic
This is a motion-graphic project created for See Political, explaning the meaning of voting YES or NO for Prop 50.
See Political is a nonprofit organization that makes the electoral process and ballot propositions entertaining and easy to understand.
I use Illustrator to create the sets and props like the supermarket scene, also adjusting different looks of the characters.
I did the thumbnails of the storyboard in Photoshop, and then use the created models for the animatics. My partner recorded the V. O. for calculating the timing, and the final version of V.O. and sound design was done at the very end of production. 
Although it was an internship project, I was given pretty much freedom to create the scenes.
The thing that was revised most times were the YES and NO texts because the content should be carefully written in order to be unbias. This video was promoted by LA times and several other platforms.
Here are the rough storyboards: (they weren't animated yet)
Prop 50

Prop 50

A motion-graphic short created for See Political.
